Add Your Chandler Location/Props/Picture Vehicles/Collections to the Statewide Library

Do you own or manage a Chandler property, props, or "picture vehicles" that should be seen on film? Perhaps a vintage sewing machine, a 1950s-style pick-up truck and a curated collection of vintage typewriters? The Arizona Film & Digital Office maintains a FREE database of statewide locations, props, and picture vehicles that are available for use in filming. From films to television shows to commercials and music videos - production companies are looking for a wide range of venues, sites, and props to be considered for production needs.

Location requests are vast and varied, with many seeking office buildings, restaurants, stores, parks, homes, strip malls, schools, churches, downtown areas and so much more. 

Standard film production industry practices include:

  • The property owners will be provided a location contract for the site being utilized and for allowing the business owner or designate to be on-site during production.
  • The production company will provide a certificate of insurance to the property owner to add the landowner as an additional insured holder on their insurance policy.

List your assets for FREE by completing the form and uploading your image (in JPEG format), Following your submittal, your photos and information will be reviewed and pending approval, will be added to the Arizona Film & Digital Media Program's digital library and available for viewing by location by film industry professionals worldwide. 

When submitting photo(s), consider including at least 5 to 10 different images to show the location's interior and exterior, and keep in mind, that producers and location scouts are likely to be more receptive to wide-angle and panoramic views that allow them to get the "big picture."

Before you submit your photos, keep these tips in mind:

  • Initial submissions are limited to a maximum of 10 photos during upload. Additional photos may be sent via email to the Arizona Film & Digital Media Office. 
  • Ensure you have full rights to the images submitted.
  • Opt for wide-angle shots to show the most expansive view.
  • Be sure to include multiple angles (Notate views: North, South, East, West)
  • Include interior and exterior views
  • Showcase site at day/night/seasonal
  • You will have the opportunity to indicate any usage restrictions for the location(time, utilities (i.e. no running water), exterior only, etc.)

Should there be interest in using your site or prop, you will be contacted by the Arizona Film & Digital Media Program's office and/or Film Chandler staff.